I've wanted to be a Church leader for as long as I can remember. Someday I want to be an Elder. When I became a deacon (which is really just a nice term for "worker"), I was immediately dubbed "Technology Deacon". Actually, I was the deacon in charge of communication, a new ministry for our congregation at that time. Over the course of the next few years I became busier and busier in the "Work of the Church". I was as happy as a clam.
As the weeks grew into months and then years, I started to grow weary. Not of the work, but of other things. The constant struggle to get the elders to understand our potential and use it. Taking the "next step" was like asking them to cut off their arms. We were (I was) "playing Church", we "gauged" each other by how busy we were.
Meanwhile, I was decaying from the inside. My personal relationship with my Lord was going in the wrong direction. Because of my "work", I went about 3 years without attending a Bible class. I was dying from the inside out. Something had to give...
1 comment:
I have decided, from here on, to refer to "Elders" as "Shepherds".
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