However, I learned a great deal. Here are some random notes in no particular order:
- I'm not 26 anymore, or 36 for that matter. I gladly helped a friend move Saturday morning but just about threw my back out. However, it was worth it, it was one of the best things I did this weekend.
- I'm not going to be able to learn guitar as quickly as I had hoped. I got really far pretty quickly, but I've come to a impasse. I'm going to have to get some lessons if I want to be good enough for anything but playing for the that's going to go over well. That stinks because... (see next)
- Choir is boring this least so far...OK, not boring but, not exciting either. I love to sing and it's not like I'm going to quit because I love the people and singing anything at this point is enough. I just have something in my heart that is dying to come out, I want to find some way to express it.
- If I don't fix some things in my personal life I am going to lose a great deal. I don't know how I am going to do it, but I have to. I have been praying a great deal about it and I hope The Lord has something planned for me because I don't have any answers...
- I need to get used to not always agreeing with things I hear at Church or in Worship. Yesterday, one of the elders baptized a woman. It was a beautiful event, I never get tired of witnessing a baptism. However, his wording bothers me. He said that what she was doing was a "public form of what she had already done in her heart". On a very simple level and with people of strong faith and understanding I can agree with that statement. But, it leads those who do not quite understand God's plan of salvation to a conclusion that baptism is just a way of showing the rest of the world that you are already saved. Once you go down that road you can also conclude that it's's not. "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 Yes, the believing comes first, but the baptism is part of the salvation.
- I'm scared...I'm really scared.
- My image of family and Church must change for me to survive. It's going to be hard.
- I might as well accept my station in life and stick with what I am good at.
- I'm going to have to learn how to be happy being alone.
- "All hat and no cattle" - that's what my friend said when he was talking about a client that may or may not come up with the funding for a project he wants. Now, that's funny...
- I have lost all of my mentors because of the choices I have made regarding my faith.
- "Joy is not when everything is wonderful, it's when you know God is in control"
There you have it. There are more, but they are too personal. I'm almost glad to see Monday.